Sep 25

The uselessness of small data

For the last couple years, “big data” has been one of those next best thing buzz words of business. Its basic premise is now that we have oodles of data, lets figure out how to use to make the organization more effective.

Data can also be viewed though in a six sigma/lean format. The waste in data is a hindrance and a cost to effective management. So for fun, in this blog post we called that near useless data “small data”.  I am not writing about inaccurate data here although that is another waste of resources but rather about accurate or inaccurate data no longer needed.

For example, there was a large company on which had no way to eliminate its obsolete sku’s for its product file. Yes, it was physical possible but so many hoops and details needed to be done to eliminate the sku,  nobody bothered. There were the prime company objectives to be done that left little time to police the data.  There were products sitting in warehouses which were market obsolete, or had so few sales that it was not worthwhile to the organization. Time was spent looking at the data, inventory took up space, and resources for the firm was used for useless purposes.  Ultimately this problem was addressed by changing the entire accounting system in the organization.

All of us as individuals face this dilemma in determining who we thin out our email files.  Lots of data, much of it useless. Do we do it before the IT department forces out to weed out in a hurried basis?

The reality is that organizations and individuals are time stressed.  I advocate that organizations and its managers should set priorities for down or less stressful periods at least once on annual basis. Among those priorities should be review of its data to find the small data which takes up time and money. Removing the clutter, allows the organization and yourself to do more efficiently.





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Sep 12

Going against conventional wisdom

Today, I took a tour of the the Mi-Jack facilities in Homewood, IL where they make the gantry cranes which load and unload containers on to intermodal rail cars.

To be competitive the company needs to make a gantry crane relatively quickly for the railroad. But the parts and machines used in assembly take many months to produce. So the company has elected to go against the standard logistics principle of limited just in time inventory. It orders the required supplies and machinery based on its guess on business levels.  It would be impossible to meet customer demands given the long lead time if they did not do this. Importantly the price paid by the customers covers the cost of the inventory as a cost of doing business.

When you go against the textbook, there has to be a good business reason for it. It has to be feasible and profitable. That does not mean the conventional wisdom is wrong rather that is not all inclusive.


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Sep 04

Logistics of the Affordable Heath Care Act

After listening to Daren Whisman, Director of Financial Operations of Memorial Hermann, a health care organization in Texas, being interviewed on Supply Chain Brain at, it caused me to think about the supply chain and logistics affects of the Affordable Health Care Act called commonly Obamacare.

Lets start with supposition that medical and healthcare field is changing.   My premise is that it is unlikely no matter what happens that returning to the original process pre-Affordable Care act is likely, because it had become too costly. Affordable Care reflexed a strong emphasis  on new direction of health care to wellness.  One important avenue to reduce overall health costs, is to encourage people to live a healthier life style.

The supply chain and logistics implications is that healthcare services will less and less be centered on medical facilities such as hospitals and doctors offices to clinics, drug stores, and neighborhood cultural institutions. This will in turn mean more customers, more locations to deliver, more places to determine demand and supply. To those firms in the healthcare business it means a change in business and change in their logistics. Logistics service providers who may not have had to consider healthcare safety issues will now find themselves in this arena.

So as is almost any major change, logistics and supply chain will need to change with it.



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Aug 27

Dealing with a major retailer

Many smaller businesses have products they wish to sell to large retailers. There is a summary of Youtude video put out by Walmart in this article in Supply Chain Digest: (The Youtube reference: Walmart channel 8thandwalton: Walmart Senior Buyers on what makes a good supplier) With large retailers there are multiple bottom lines which decide if your products get on the shelves.

Bottom Line Number 1

The key issue purchasers ask is will this increase the sales of the store if we sell your product. Just changing sales from a displaced competitor with no net revenue gain is not enough  It is about them not you. That is bottom line number one, but not the only one.

Bottom Line Number 2

To make their supply chain efficient, safe and to avoid legal problems all large retailers have a large set of procedures the supplier must meet to be able to sell to them.  Lets use Walmart as an example but other large retailers could also be used as an example.

Walmart is legendary for setting requirements for their customers. It is important to realize that they do this so their processes are efficient. Importantly, they have a policy of helping suppliers meet their requirements. There are some large retailers whom this so not a policy and they do not help suppliers meet their requirements,  leaving the supplier to guess and muddle through hoping to meet requirements and oh yes, in the process fumbling along increasing costs beyond what is necessary.

Bottom Line Number 3

The supplier must meet Walmart’s delivery metrics.  In order not to be surprised with a bad report card, your firm should be collecting these metrics yourself. Failure to meet metrics will mean heavy fines and lost profits and eventually the supplier would lose the account.

What is true for Walmart is true for other large retailing chains including grocers.  South Loop Logistics can help your firm resolve these problems and making the processes of the supply chain efficient and replicable.

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Aug 22

The importance of supporting training programs

Yesterday I was privileged to visit the Greater West Town Training Program (GWTP). They are located at 500 North Sacramento in Chicago near the west end of the coach yards of the Union Pacific and Humbolt Park.  It is modern facility in an older building. Their website is

This program trains at no charge to the adult students warehousing skills including running machinery such as forklifts and computers for inventory purposes. I was impressed and pleased that the course work starts with safety training. They also train on wood working skills and a have high school for those students 18 to 21 who have not previously completed a high school degree. While the courses are free to the students, they are not working during the time of training, loosing potential income, for a better life in the future.

I was most interested in their warehouse training programs. Their program is supported by federal, state, and local grants.  And what those the government and the taxpayers get for their money? GWTP reports nearly 85% of their warehouse trained students find jobs upon graduation.  There is a shortage of good qualified warehouse workers and it is field of high turnover. reports that average forklift driver wages in Chicago is $27,000, far above the minimum wage, most retail jobs wages, and certainly burger flipper wages. Wages like that go along way to lifting people out of dire poverty.  The area becomes more economically viable.  People who were in need of government services now will be paying taxes.

There is an effort among some so called tea party related organizations to eliminate money for job training programs. Were they to be successful, the country’s economic growth rate would be hurt and American’s businesses would not have enough potential employees they need to be successful. Let’s invest in our people for success.

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Aug 15

LTL pricing So what is a small shipper to do?

If you wanted to create a pricing system that is confusing, Less Than Truckload ( LTL )  pricing probably would be it.   So let’s decode the complexity, lets use a little history. After that, let’s discuss what is coming down the pike in LTL pricing.

Since commercial trucking began to take a hold, a tariff was developed based on a similar railroad tariff that broke all commodities into various classification. That classification was based not only the product size and density but also its relative value to other items. Thus it would cost more to ship an equal weight of televisions than salt, because televisions have a higher market value. The current book which is the standard LTL classification book is the National Motor Freight Classification tariff. Prior to deregulation, there were regional rate groups who built joint mileages tariffs based on those classifications. Added an another level of complexity

It was complicated enough to figure out the the correct LTL classification, then in 1980 it got harder.   Trucking rate deregulation took hold. The LTL carriers, comfortable with the classification did not want to change that. But to compete, discounts were given to the larger customers some ranging into the upper 80% rate for the largest shippers. Small shippers received discounts but at a lower amount. Soon organizations such as Southern Motor Carriers (SMC) were offering a mileage tariff to cover the country, which changed year to year. So if your firm used SMC tariff base, your firm would have a x discount based on SMC’s LTL tariff in a given year.

Now there is a push to eliminate LTL classifications and just use density pricing as a basis for pricing.

So what is a small shipper to do?  Using LTL consolidators will likely lower cost since the consolidator volume to a a carrier will lower ones costs.  Another strategy is minimize the amount of LTL shipping.  Send a truckload to a distribution center near your customers and you may save money.

Small shippers are the most vulnerable to density pricing due to their little sway in the marketplace. So if this change is unfavorable to the company find contractors who will handle the things the old fashion way at less total cost. There is likely for some to around.


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Jul 18

Freight Payment, the mere words create emotions of anguish, boredom and resignation

Freight payment, the mere words create emotions of anguish, boredom and resignation. (Note the words “freight claims” has the same emotions, that is another post.)

Yes, you know it needs to be done.  You rather be spending your time solving organizational and customer service supply chain problems. But if freight payment is not accomplished, there is no movement in the supply chain, maybe not immediately but soon enough. Lets take a 30,000 feet view of the process and then get down to some details. Yes, I know you rather not.

There are a lot of words being written these days about being carrier friendly by shippers to improve costs. Relatively few of these talk about the importance of freight payment to the carrier, but it is of high importance even bigger than dock delays.  From the carrier’s perspective, the unpaid bills are inventory sitting around doing nothing, costing capital waiting for something to happen from the carriers point of view. For small carriers, who are hand to month in their cash flow, slow payment can be particularly deadly to their operation.

From the shipper’s point of view, it means the outflow of cash, of particular interest to your CFO, who rather not spend it.  Here having an inventory of cash is rather cool and looks good. The shipping company does not make its profit paying freight bills, so it is something it rather ignore.  Making matters worst because there re  unexpected events happening in transit leading to additional cost, such as delays, customs costs, unloading charges, etc., the final bills from the carrier to the shipper was not what the shipper anticipated.

So how is the process done?

There is the transactional approach. The carrier sends a bill to a customer and the customer pays it. There is a variation of this where the shipper just sends  a check without invoicing anticipating the bill.  The former approach is rather costly and the later approach is more efficient until there are unanticipated costs in the transportation process.

Then there are the third party firms that pay a freight for its customers. The third party probably can do the freight payment handling more  efficiently than a firm who freight payment does bring profit but the firm loses direct control of some of its cash, and then there is still the problem of unexpected charges.

The bottom line of all of this is freight payment takes a lot of organizations resources to handle for both carriers and shippers.  And because it is not sexy or glorious, it suffers from a lack of attention.  Many times the lowest paid and least capable workers are assigned the process, with minimum thought of training and support.

Here are some key process thoughts to accomplishing this process more smoothly.  I would urge carriers and shippers to separate the predictable costs from the unpredictable costs. The predictable costs can be handled in almost assembly line fashion. When both predictable and unpredictable costs are invoices, usually no costs of the bills can paid timely as somebody has to find the time to work the issue out.  I will separately invoice unpredictable costs such as demurrage, unloading charges, and other additional (called accessorial) costs.  The carrier and shipper can develop procedures to handle the process of these costs in a timely matter. I think even the shipping company CFO would prefer this as cash flows will be more predictable and the process will be more efficient.





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Jul 08

A-B-C applies to transportation spend as well as inventory

Many of have heard about A-B-C inventory planning where your A inventory turns over rapidly and your C inventory turns over slowly while your B inventory is somewhere in between. It is advantageous to think of your transportation spend the same with an important twist.

Transportation spend as KPI (key performance indicator) can be looking at a number of different ways including: the total spend, which carriers the money is being spent on, important lanes of traffic, premium spend, and affect of profit margin.    One important one to view this spend is regularity of movement.

If the product moves regularly to predictable customers and destinations, the transportation spend on this type of what I will call “A” freight can be designed to be very efficient for not only your firm and your customers but also for the transporting carrier. Planning is easy, chance for continuations improvement of the process is strong. You should be your best cost per item for freight in the “A” catagory.

Some freight is seasonal or temporary and can be grouped into your “B” freight. By grouping it together you can plan for it thus reducing your costs. For example, I worked in the salt industry many years, and there were predictable surges of bagged ice control salt demand in winter.

Then there is the wildcard freight, the “C” freight if you will, which is highly variable.  A customer in Anchorage,  AL might order twice a year. A repaired machine needs to move on an emergency basis. A regular transportation route is blocked by flooding.  Even this can be planned for and cost savings achieved. Premium services can be contracted in advance of shipment. A procedure to ship to Alaska can be developed.

By going to an A-B-C model of freight it breaks the whole into workable parts and thus more easily planned and the process improved.

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Jun 27

Sustainability, quick and dirty calculations

Did you ever wonder how some firms calculated that a particular new solution would remove “X” amount of tons of carbon from its carbon footprint?  What do you do you when you are small, can’t hire an expensive service to figure out what affect a particular action would have on your carbon footprint.

I found at the end of article in the current edition of DC Velocity on Ocean Spray improving its carbon footprint, so easy mathematical formulas, written about the author of the article, Peter Bradley. The link for the article is here:

The formula for road movement is:

CO2 emissions (road) = shipment weight * road distance * road emission factor.
The article recommends 149.7 grams for you road emission factor.

You might think, I am a small or medium size busy, and what difference does a carbon footprint make with an organization like mind?  Many businesses have found this is a measure of efficiency of operation.  Working to lower your carbon footprint, lowers your cost of doing business.





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Jun 07

Straight Truck Safety

The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended straight truck drivers be required to have a commercial driver license. Please see this article in the website of Heavy Duty Trucking website:

The alarming number is straight truck drivers were in 1,800 fatal accidents in a four year period from 2005 to 2009.  Not only our straight truckers not required to have commercial driver license, but many times because they are of a local nature they are exempt from interstate safety regulations mandated by the US government.  Regulations made come and some states have regulations, but it is important that regardless straight truck fleet operations be run safely.

For the conscious operator of straight truck vehicles many of which are small operations, they should not wait for federal or state regulations to change, they should take a proactive safety approach.  The federal regulations do provide a guidepost and while not perfect (nor can they be) they have proven to be effective in making the process safer.

The steps recommended are:

1) Remember that drivers are human beings. They can only work so many hours a day before getting dangerously tired. They need adequate rest breaks. Studies have shown that drivers should not be run over 11 hours and should have at least 10 hour breaks at least between shifts.  A well rested driver will serve your customers well also.

2.) Make sure vehicles are maintained for safety.  Daily inspections of the vehicle should be made. Breaks and mechanical parts should be regularly checked and maintained.

3) Periodic meeting with drivers and people respond for keeping the operation should be held to discuss safety and safety issues. Make it important and it will be.

Safety materials and procedures can be brought from firms like J J Keller. In the long run, a safe operation is a low cost one.


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