Can Staffing Services Help A Firm Hire Supply Chain Talent?

Dealing with growth of a small and medium size firm is quite an undertaking. One of the most difficult processes occurs when it is desirable to hire additional help to bring in more business. In midst of growth spurt, the soon-to-be-hiring manager will find herself time constrained just trying to keep up, not allowing much time to seek a new employee.

Earlier this week, in my role as co-chair of an informal networking group, Chicago area Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Professionals (LOSC) a staffing agency, Ajilon Professional Staffing, spoke to us on their role in the process. Additionally since many of our members in our transition, it was a potential source of talent for the staffing agency. I came away from the meeting with a clearer understanding of when it is advantageous to use a staffing service.

When does it make sense to use a staffing agency rather than just go in house with your Human Resources Department? Where will make sense to spend the money for this service?

Does your Human Resource Department in your small to medium size firm have its disposal the resources to find the right employee for the supply chain position? That is the initial question that needs to be asked once a need for additional employee is determined and approved by upper management. My personal experience is some HR Departments do have the right skills and knowledge, and can develop the appropriate questions to ask the hiring manager and the applicants. But my guess is that most HR departments really do not understand the supply chain position or are able to ask the right questions of the hiring manager to high have a high percentage of hiring potential good candidates for a managerial supply chain position.

Let’s examine why even well-run human resources operation might be better to outsource the supply hiring process. One reason the limited resources a HR department might have to spend time on this project. More importantly, supply chain is a complicated field, requiring knowledge of supply chain organizational processes that HR may not be familiar with. In hiring, the knowledge and skills needed will be identified and candidates for the position would match these. A staffing agency specializing in supply chain will have the experience and skills that many times the firm’s HR department do not.

Most staffing agencies will prepare the candidate for the interview unlike your organization’s HR department. This will mean interview time will be more efficiently spent.

The hiring manager should gain in the preparation process for the staffing agency to choose hires. The hiring questions of the hiring manager can be used for preparation for future interviews with candidates

Making the hiring process more efficient and effective can significantly increase the success of an organization.





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