Category Archives: Logistics Networking

Dec 17

B to B staring at B to C

If you are in a B to B, that is a business whose primary customers are other businesses, you are probably staring at the B to C, business selling directly to consumers, supply chain world.  Vast changes are happening there, … Read More

Posted in Inventory planning, Logistics Networking, Management, Process Management, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Software, Sustainability | Tagged | Leave a comment
May 13

Relationship Managers

I recently heard a presentation by Indiana University Professor of International Strategic Management, Dr. Marjorie Lyles, on the growing role of new position, Relationship Managers. Supply Chain is all about relationships with suppliers, transportation carriers and operators, storage facilities and … Read More

Posted in Logistics, Logistics Networking, Process Management, Public Policy, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Education, Transportation | Tagged | Leave a comment
Dec 29

Supply Chain Issues for 2015

2014, My Predictions and How They turned out, 2015 to follow this section Before I attempt to look ahead, let’s see how cloudy my crystal ball was back in December 2013. Here is what I predicted and what I missed. … Read More

Posted in Export, Import, Inventory planning, Logistics, Logistics Networking, Management, Public Policy, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Transport Energy, Transportation | Tagged | Leave a comment