Category Archives: Supply Chain Software

Dec 17

B to B staring at B to C

If you are in a B to B, that is a business whose primary customers are other businesses, you are probably staring at the B to C, business selling directly to consumers, supply chain world.  Vast changes are happening there, … Read More

Posted in Inventory planning, Logistics Networking, Management, Process Management, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Software, Sustainability | Tagged | Leave a comment
Oct 26

Dealing with the non-digital or partially digital world

I do volunteer work for the Chicago area food bank which goes under the name of the Greater Chicago Food Depository. This organization through its 2004 built warehouse serves Cook County annually shipping 70 million pounds of food per year. … Read More

Posted in Inventory planning, Logistics, Logistics Software, Management, Process Management, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Software | Tagged | Leave a comment